Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) hints at a branch of computer science, mainly a branch of Artificial Intelligence, that deals with enabling computers to text and speech as accurately and precisely as humans can.

Natural Language Process

NLP is a process where deep learning, machine learning, and statistical models are combined with computational linguistics. These technologies allow computers to computers to grasp the context and meaning behind a speaker or writer’s input. Furthermore, NLP drives the programs to translate the text of one language to another, summarize large volumes, and answer spoken commands. There is a fine possibility that you have interacted with NLP in certain ways such as voice-operated GPS systems, digital assistants, customer service AI marketing bot, and speech-to-text dictation software. Enterprise solutions are another field NLP plays a vital role in, in the case of simplifying mission-critical processes, increasing employee productivity, and helping streamline operations.

Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Understand the emotions of your customers towards your product or services through their feedback and comments Read More

Semantic Search

Semantic Search

Semantic search enables your apps to perform deep searches by understanding the user’s intent and the context through their search queries.

Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition

Create the textual representation from speech and provide accurate results of search and analytics Read More

Information Extraction

Information extraction helps obtain structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents like social media posts & more Read More

Information Extraction
Information Extraction

Information Extraction

Information extraction helps obtaining structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents like social media posts & more.

Machine Translation
Machine Translation

Machine Translation

Machine translation enables you to convert one language to another while accurately maintaining the meaning and context Read More

Control Spamming

Information extraction helps obtaining structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents like social media posts & more Read More

Control Spamming
Control Spamming

Control Spamming

Information extraction helps obtaining structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents like social media posts & more.

Summarization (NLP)


Extract key information as a summary from long documents to tackle the information overload Read More

Question Answering

State-of-the-art chatbots can be efficiently used to obtain relevant answers to questions asked in human language Read More

Question Answering
Question Answering

Question Answering

State-of-the-art chatbots can be efficiently used to obtain relevant answers to questions asked in human language.

NLP Operations

VariousNLP tasks span a wide range of making sense of voice data and human text to computers across numerous IT sectors. Following are some to give you an idea.

  1. Parts of speech tagging
  2. Speech recognition
  3. Entity recognition
  4. Word sense disambiguation
  5. Sentiment analysis
  6. Natural language generation

NLP uses several approaches and tools to operate successfully. Some of them are Python programming language and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and Statistical NLP. Furthermore, when it comes to machine intelligence, NLP techniques deal in different cases such as spam detection, machine translation, virtual agents and chatbots, text summarization, and social media sentiment analysis. Not just the present, but the near and distant future itself is incomplete without australia NLP progressing and who knows what is the highest level this technology might peak at providing NLP solutions.

For now, NLP has made its way into practicality in a hefty manner and there’s enough room to improve for NLP technologies and solutions with a broad career and scope for newcomers to check into.

FuturisTech and Natural Language Processing

As an NLP operation service provider, our team at FutureisTech understands that there is a myriad of ways NLP techniques can be applied to business. From resolving complexities of word ambiguity to intent-based semantic operation, there’s a league of evolution that the technology is experiencing. Customer service and experience have reached the next-level growth with AI and machine learning services, identifying means for improvement – in service delivery, product recommendations, user interfaces, Q&A – it’s an ocean of opportunities that have been unlocked.


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