Quality Assurance

What is Quality Assurance?

Assurance is where deals begin.

In terms of software development, Quality Assurance means the consistent and continuous maintenance and improvement of a mechanism that enables quality control.

Purpose of Quality Assurance

Quality assurance works in laying out sufficient processes to prevent flaws and errors in the software product. With the main focus on processes, prevention is the key role of quality assurance and it is done throughout the process by the team including the stakeholders. Software Testing Services keep the purpose of QA in check.

Manual QA Testing
Manual QA Testing

Manual QA Testing

Our team at Futuristech performs detailed manual QA testing prior to the final delivery off all our projects Read more

  • Smoke Testing
  • GUI Testing
  • Database Testing
  • Sanity Testing
  • Exploratory Testing

Performance Testing

We ensure that our products have sustainability by using our Performance testing services. The testing systems enable us to develop applications that are able to withstand extensive loads Read more

  • Load Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Performance Accessment
Performance Testing
Performance Testing

Performance Testing

We ensure that our products have sustainability by using our Performance testing services. The testing systems enable us to develop applications that are able to withstand extensive loads.

  • Load Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Performance Accessment
Mobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

Mobile App Testing

We use mobile app testing expertise to deal with device and application complexities Read more

  • Functional Testing
  • User Experience Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Localization Testing
  • Performance Testing

API Testing Automation

At FuturisTech , we provide our customers with quick , reliable and efficient API testing Read more

  • Custom-tailored HTTPClient for optimum results
  • Component Integration testing
  • Non-UI functional testing
API Testing Automation

How does Quality Assurance work?

A proper quality assurance technique is basically checking out that every team member realizes the requirements of work and performs according to the terms and guidelines. Basically, it ensures that all actions are carried out in the right way, all details are thoroughly implemented and the entire run is consistent so that no flaws and errors come in the way of the end product in the case of QA Services and Software Testing.

Practices for Quality Assurance

When it comes to Software Testing and QA Services, the entire process of quality assurance consists of four steps: plan, do, check, and act. And there are several practices that must be maintained to get those steps done to make QA Testing Services more successful. Let us have a look into that.

  • A Robust Testing Environment must be created.
  • Release criteria should be carefully selected.
  • Automated testing to risk fields is to be applied.
  • For each process, time should be appropriately allocated.
  • A testing team adedicated security should be formed.

Quality Assurance Functions

There are four main functions of quality assurance

  1. Transferring Technology: Includes a product design along with data and its evaluation.
  2. Validation: A master plan for validation of the whole system is prepared in this process along with resource planning for execution.
  3. Documentation: Archiving and distribution of documents is done in this process.
  4. Lastly, there is quality assurance of products and quality improvement plans.


Any Software Testing Company would realize that they cannot proceed well without the mechanism of Quality Assurance. It is practically mandatory before we proceed to Quality Control and the rest if you need the high performance of QA Services & Solutions. So, in case, you find yourself in QA Testing tasks, make sure not to miss out on quality assurance and the gifts of successful processes it offers. Hopefully, it will do you good.

At Futuristech , we perform QA testing as an integral part of every software project by using various software testing tools and technologies. This enables our experts to deliver projects with minimal risks. With our QA testing we review several parameters including functionality, performance , behaviour , compatibility and scalability.

API Testing Automation

API Testing Automation

At FuturisTech , we provide our customers with quick , reliable and efficient API testing.

  • Custom-tailored HTTPClient for optimum results
  • Component Integration testing
  • Non-UI functional testing


Our representative is always at your disposal feel free to reach out.

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