Why should businesses keep investing in software development

Why should businesses keep investing in software development?

One of the most commonly asked questions is that, is there a specific timeline to stop investing in software development? There is one simple answer, No.

There are several reasons why enterprises need to constantly keep investing in software development. I’ll explain a few of them here.

  • Changes to the hardware
  • Upgrades to the operating system
  • Updates in the APIs
  • Changes to browsers
  • Evolution of third-party frameworks

Changes to the hardware

Software malfunctions are a common occurrence with upgrades in hardware. This is especially true for mobile applications. As the hardware design and configuration change the software needs to be upgraded to match the new device specifications. Otherwise, the apps have a tendency to crash on the newer device, have increased loading times, poor UI, and are thus not compatible. Constant updates and upgrades to operating systems and hardware devices like our phones and laptops create a need for an evolving software system.

Upgrades to the operational system

Operating systems that run our devices are constantly being updated. Each update poses a threat to the software system and can corrupt the code. As the operating system evolves with time, new features are introduced and others are discarded. Some of these depreciated features might be essential for the smooth running of the app and once removed might result in glitches, poor UI, and adverse user experiences. This is another important reason why nearly every OS upgrade requires a simultaneous update in the software program that is used for seamless execution of the app.

It is not an uncommon occurrence that users find some of their installed applications stop working once they upgrade the OS on their smart devices. This holds true for both Android and iOS apps.

Changes to browsers

Browsers that are used on desktops, mobiles, and tablets tend to differ and are regularly updated. These upgrades require testing prior to implementation as changes can result in issues with the display. Software updates are therefore essential in ensuring that applications do not crash with upgrades in browsers.

Evolution of third-party frameworks

Most software applications have dependent on third-party frameworks and libraries.  Software dependencies due to this mean that constant updates are required to ensure that apps function seamlessly without any bugs or glitches.

Changing between these third-party libraries does not pose any technical issues but it becomes challenging when there are changes in the architecture of the existing software components. Any changes in the interface translate to changes in code which require ongoing software development.

Updates in APIs

API updates are constant and therefore,  it is essential for API developers to notify software developers of these changes in advance. This is to ensure that the software evolution matches the changes in the APIs in order for applications to continue to run without any glitches. However, there are instances where integrators are not given notice prior to changes in APIs. This is usually the case with non-breaking API upgrades and results in significant application crashes and errors.

These are some of the reasons why it is essential for enterprises to ensure that they invest in their custom software development. Despite being mindful of these reasons, enterprises can still run into issues with technical debt. Technical debt is the eventual accumulation of code editing and processing that occurs over a period of time. This massive pile of code can be quite tedious and frustrating to work through. Therefore, it is paramount that businesses invest time in planning the allocation of human resources to prevent this from occurring.

 4 additional benefits of staying ahead of the game with software development

  1. Increased adaptability to constantly evolving consumer demands

Investing in software development enables businesses to evolve rapidly in response to the ever-changing consumer demands. This flexibility, in the long run, provides businesses with a commercial advantage and enables them to reach out to a larger customer base as well as

  1. Enhances productivity

Having an in-house software development team enables enterprises to function with a level of independence i.e they do not have to engage with an external vendor. This is one of the many key advantages of custom software development

  1. Improves customer experiences

Bug-free applications and friendly UI interfaces help enhance customer satisfaction. Custom software development has given businesses the key to ensuring this via persistent upgrades to the existing software databases.

  1. Increases revenue in the long run

Although the cost of custom software development in the short run can be quite taxing for businesses, its long-term yields and profits are worth the short-term investment. Increased productivity, increased accessibility, and better consumer experiences are a few of the avenues via which enterprises can generate revenue through the use of software development.

Custom Software Development in Australia

In summary, software development is a continuous process that requires time and investment from enterprises but yields great results and revenue in the long run. If you would like to incorporate custom software development into your business model, please reach out to us at FuturisTech and we would be delighted to provide you with custom software development solutions in Australia.

Australia is home to numerous businesses that create custom software. One of them is FUTURISTECH, the top Australian software development firm.

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